The Trospers
And now, Some home movies from the Mountaintop Moose Sanctuary.
Moose Hunter on February 1, 2023
Curious Moose Twins on July 10, 2021
Time Lapse for Aurora on Feb 02, 2021
Winter Ermine in Asparagus Patch
Lynx Kitties Playing
November 30, 2018 7.0 Quake
Teenage Bull Mooses (Meece?)
Black Bear on walkabout
Hunting Wabbits
Trosper Buffet - Strawberries and Fuschia
First Grizzy Spring 2018
Yeti and the Moose Spring 2018
Mama Moose Encounter
Ermine assisting with potato sorting
Here, Kitty, Kitty
Frisky Porcupines
Great White Hunter
Winter Moose Invasion
Leftover Summer Feast
Chasing our Tail
Yeti and the Grouse
Wait for it!!!
Return of Moose Train
Moose Train
Mama Bear with three cubs in tow
Black Bear strolling through yard
Grizzly Bear eating archery target!!!!!